Make walking a more rewarding part of your life.

20M users already walking
 0 5  2 4 5
million extra miles

The Immense Value of Walking

By making walking a daily habit, WeWard lines up with a more eco-conscious approach towards achieving the three Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations in Agenda 2030.

Stay fit walking with WeWard
Walking is the first step towards physical and mental health.
The World Health Organization recommends taking 10,000 steps every day as inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for death.
Adopt carbon free mobility and preserve the planet
Walking is the least polluting form of transportation, with zero carbon impact.
Vibrant local scene
Make the most of walking and visit interesting places near you.
To walk is to move at a natural pace and participate in nearby activities. Walking allows people to discover (or rediscover) their town, its cultural sites, places, shops and their surroundings.

Enjoy your walks with WeWard

Walking Rewards

Receive Wards for walking every day and convert them directly into cash, gifts or charity donations
Push yourself with our challenges, track your performance and challenge your friends every day
Start feeling the benefits of physical activity on your health, your mind and the environment

Health and well-being related offers

Access special offers from leading sports, beauty and nutrition brands. Receive Wards for every dollar you spend.
Our partners also offer lots of gifts to reward you for your daily efforts!
Become a partner

The best places near you

WeWard helps you rediscover your town and enjoy a variety of places to visit close to your home.
Your favorite monuments, shops and parks are accessible on our map and are waiting for you with Wards to win!
Reach out
There's proof in the pudding - people walk 24% more with WeWard!
Learn more
Les Echos
WeWard, la startup qui rémunère ses utilisateurs pour marcher et faire du sport.
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Le Monde
Cette application populaire en France compte plus d'utilisateurs que Candy Crush !
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Saviez-vous que vous pouviez être payé simplement pour marcher ?
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BFM Business
L'application permet de comptabiliser les pas que vous effectuez dans une journée pour gagner des Wards échangeables en cadeaux !
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France Bleu
Les utilisateurs de l’application augmenteraient de 25% leur nombre de pas rien qu’en suivant leurs performances.
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France Info
La start-up française met en avant les bienfaits du sport.
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Le Parisien
Courir ou marcher, ça peut être lucratif !
Les Echos
WeWard, la startup qui rémunère ses utilisateurs pour marcher et faire du sport.
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WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
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Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
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The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
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You can focus on exploring different ways of walking, such as traversing different streets or neighborhoods in your city
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TNT Magazine
This free app rewards its users for walking which can be converted into cash, gifts or donations to charities!
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WeWard now motivate over 20 million people to walk around the world!
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WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
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Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
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WeWard users can earn up to $100 per year for walking.
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The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
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Condé Nast Traveler
WeWard, la aplicación que te anima a caminar mientras recibes recompensas.
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WeWard es une applicacion que nace para potenciar los tres pilares del Desarrollo Sostentible fijados por la ONU: salud, ecologia y dinamismo social.
Esta applicación mide tus pasos con la premisa de que "cuanto más camines, más ganarás.
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Business Insider
Caminar vale dinero, o al menos en esta aplicación.
El Economista
Sin duda la app más popular de este tipo, ya que cuenta con más de 20 millones de usuarios !
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Esta applicación mide tus pasos con la premisa de que "cuanto más camines, más ganarás.
See more
Condé Nast Traveler
WeWard, la aplicación que te anima a caminar mientras recibes recompensas.
See more
El Economista
Sin duda la app más popular de este tipo, ya que cuenta con más de 20 millones de usuarios !
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Business Insider
Caminar vale dinero, o al menos en esta aplicación.
WeWard, la app che incoraggia i suoi utenti a fare movimento.
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WeWard è la app che conta passi percorsi, fa accumulare punti in proporzione e permet te di utilizzare sconti ad hoc n negozi selezionati, convenzio nati.
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WeWard è con ogni probabilità il nome più famoso di questa categoria ed è nota per essere "l’app che paga per camminare".
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Gazzetta del Sud
Un modo divertente per migliorare l'umore e aumentare l'energia.
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WeWard, la app che incoraggia i suoi utenti a fare movimento.
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WeWard è la app che conta passi percorsi, fa accumulare punti in proporzione e permet te di utilizzare sconti ad hoc n negozi selezionati, convenzio nati.
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WeWard è con ogni probabilità il nome più famoso di questa categoria ed è nota per essere "l’app che paga per camminare".
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Gazzetta del Sud
Un modo divertente per migliorare l'umore e aumentare l'energia.
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ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen, dass Spaziergänge die psychische Gesundheit verbessern.
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Menschen auf die Beine bringen will: Mit Gutscheinen, Rabatten und mehr wirst du dafür belohnt.
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Mit der App WeWard können extra “Wards” gesammelt werden, wenn man zu Fuß Sightseeing-Orte besucht.
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WeWard: Neue App bezahlt fürs Gehen.
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ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen, dass Spaziergänge die psychische Gesundheit verbessern.
See more
Menschen auf die Beine bringen will: Mit Gutscheinen, Rabatten und mehr wirst du dafür belohnt.
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Mit der App WeWard können extra “Wards” gesammelt werden, wenn man zu Fuß Sightseeing-Orte besucht.
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WeWard: Neue App bezahlt fürs Gehen.
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WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
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Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
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The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
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You can focus on exploring different ways of walking, such as traversing different streets or neighborhoods in your city
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TNT Magazine
This free app rewards its users for walking which can be converted into cash, gifts or donations to charities!
See more
WeWard now motivate over 20 million people to walk around the world!
See more
WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
See more
Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
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The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
See more
WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
See more
Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
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The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
See more
You can focus on exploring different ways of walking, such as traversing different streets or neighborhoods in your city
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TNT Magazine
This free app rewards its users for walking which can be converted into cash, gifts or donations to charities!
See more
WeWard now motivate over 20 million people to walk around the world!
See more
WeWard rewards walking and is the perfect complement for not only getting daily physical exercise but also.
See more
Walking will never take you as far as with this app!
See more
The Sun
The figures from the WeWard app demonstrate that city dwellers walk more than others.
See more

Users love us

Great app!
James - Apple Store
Motivation at its best!
EVOUCHE-254 - Apple Store
A great app, with good incentives to walk.
Olivia Williams - Play Store
Excellente application mêlant exercice physique et jeux
Michaël Reimherr - Play Store
Great concept
MAMAT34EQ - Apple Store
Great app!
Ethan - Apple Store
Motivation at its best!
EVOUCHE-254 - Apple Store
A great app, with good incentives to walk.
Brizard Charlotte - Play Store
A great way to motivate yourself to get moving
Cha Provenzale - Trust Pilot
Great mobile app combining physical exercise and games
Ava Garcia - Play Store
Great concept
MAMAT34EQ - Apple Store
Great application
Jenna Elmamouni - Play Store
A great app that gets you moving.
Dorsafe - Apple Store
Sophia Clark - Play Store
I love this app
Chloe Martinez- Trust Pilot
Mason Hernandez - Play Store
Great application
Jenna Elmamouni - Play Store
A great app that gets you moving.
Dorsafe - Apple Store
Sophia Clark - Play Store
I love this app
Isabelle Tenart- Trust Pilot
Olivia Williams- Play Store
The app that motivates you to walk
Couscous88200 - Play Store
The best app right now
Fx Inho - Trust Pilot
Application qui vous motive à marcher
Colin88200 - Play Store
The best app right now
Fx Inho - Trust Pilot
Very motivating!
Mike Marty - Play Store

Join 20M users now!

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